
عدنا… والعود أحمدُ

نحنا منعرف انكن عتبانين، وفي منكن زعلانين وغضبانين على غياب “بخصوص” يللي صار فجأة. منعرف انو اشتقتوا ل”بخصوص”، بس صدقونا، “بخصوص” كما اشتاقتلكن،… more »

Lead Story

On Queers and Political Movements

As we approach our 6th annual celebration of the International Day Against Homophobia (IDAHO) on May 17 (now a tradition of the Lebanese LGBT community), it is important that we reflect on the particular significance of the event this year within the wider political atmosphere in Lebanon. LGBT activists have been involved in the recent anti-sectarian movement as participants, organizers, and critical observers, and our involvement, predictably, has not passed without clashes and antagonism.

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Queering the Arab Feminist Movement: Two Years in the Making

Exactly two years ago today, April 19, I went to a meeting in Morocco around resource mobilization for women’s rights in the Middle East and North Africa. Over 100 of the region’s top women’s rights advocates were there and it was the first time I meet them. I was extremely nervous about being an out Arab lesbian in their midst, knowing that most of them saw me as diseased or abnormal, and certainly that all of them believed I didn’t belong in a conference like theirs. My experience at that meeting, however, was life-changing [...]

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The Queer Green Revolution

October 24 marked the International Day of Climate Action on which people in 181 countries came together for the most widespread day of environmental action in the planet’s history. They collectively organized 5200 events, calling for strong action and bold leadership on the climate crisis. Leading up to the one-day global campaign was a huge internet-based momentum-building effort by activists all over the world. What a magnificent campaign 350.org put together. And they did it by harnessing the power of online technology and pioneering a new and creative strategy of global organizing [...]